Ginew - Launching August 2022:

We are very proud to present this brand, and to be part of a select-few retailors around the globe who carries this amazing brand.

Ginew is the only Native American-owned denim brand in the world. Using meticulously sourced materials, Ginew incorporate elements of their Ojibwe, Oneida & Mohican heritage into their premium crafted styles.

Ginew is owned and operated by husband and wife, Erik and Amanda. They are from Wisconsin and live in Portland, Oregon. Their family story is a contemporary Native American narrative, with each item they make drawing direct inspiration from their cultures and relatives.

Ginew jointly crafted the first series of belts from their wedding buffalo, which was hunted, prepared, tanned, and hand-dyed by them with their families. Ginew's leather goods are made with pre-industrial methods, heirloom leather-working tools, and patterns handed down from generation to generation, since the 1880's.

Ginew incorporates family symbols and teachings into their garments, while constructing them of the finest American made materials. Selvedge denim, wax canvas, and Pendleton® wool blanket fabric are some of the premium fabrics they use.

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